Our Mission Statement: In God’s love we learn and grow together

Our Approach to PSHE/RSHE

At our school, we want to help every child grow into a healthy, kind, responsible, and confident individual. Through our PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic) and RSHE (Relationships, Sex, and Health Education) curriculum, we support children in understanding themselves and the world around them.

We teach important life skills, such as making good choices, understanding emotions, and respecting others. Our lessons also help children navigate social and cultural issues they may face as they grow. We encourage them to appreciate the diverse society we live in and understand their rights and responsibilities.

Most importantly, we want every child to feel valued and capable. By taking part in school activities and engaging with the local community, they build self-confidence and a strong sense of self-worth. We provide plenty of opportunities for them to aim high and believe in their potential.

Updated RSE 2021 power point for Parents/Carers

Relationships and Sex Education

‘We are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution.  Each of us is the result of a thought of God.’  Pope Benedict XVI

‘A positive and prudent sex education to be imparted to children and adolescences as they grow older.’  Pope Francis II

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is taught throughout the year through ‘Come and See’, ‘To Know you More Dearly’ and the science curriculum but also taught independently through ‘Journey in Love’. It is taught from Early Years up to Year 6.

Parents/Carers are welcome to request samples of the resources we use for ‘Journey In Love’ should they wish to look in more detail at the content. If you do need any extra resources, please see Miss Summers (PHSE Lead) or Miss Williams (RE Lead).