Purpose of Study

Children at St Finbar’s have always fared well in science and have enjoyed their science lessons. The current curriculum aims to inspire science through lessons that place scientific enquiry at its core. It develops both scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding to a level where they can be used to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.


The aim is to ‘Work Scientifically’ regularly throughout each unit, developing children’s knowledge and understanding as they progress through to Year 6. This should allow them to, not only be capable of planning and carrying out their own investigations by the time they leave St Finbars, but to be independent, curious  and confident scientists with the knowledge to help them succeed in the years beyond primary school.

We are also trying to encourage an ethos of, ‘science is for all’, regardless of gender, race or cultural background, respecting each other’s opinions and ideas within science. Developing this within group work is essential to the success of this aim.


Science – National Curriculum

Science – Curriculum Statement

Science – KS2 Curriculum

Science – EYFS & KS1 Overview

Science – Progression Skills

Science – Vocabulary